Parents' Feedback

It was a great initiative by school. Though being online teachers have done a great job. All the story sessions and group discussions made my child to learn new things about animals.

During the research part- the ideas shared by other kids gained knowledge to him. And during our zoo visit I could see that he was willing to share his knowledge and very enthusiastic too.

He enjoyed making model and mask of an animal. He was enjoying doing it as he was putting his own imagination and ideas into his model like super animals and their super special features…

Overall he loved it. And we as parents look forward for such new initiatives. At times it feels too hectic being online and making him do things alone at home but at the end it’s all worth

Thank you Teachers and Redbricks

Mruga Patel

Ruhaan Patel


Dear Ma'am,

Writing this feedback email regarding the recently completed “Animal theme project” of EYP 2B.

As parents, we feel that the theme-based projects in some ways have made the child learn

Work around Larger Goals: Adhering to the blueprint of the project and every child must complete their respective parts

Detailing: Previously Arjun knew about Elephant, but now he can differentiate between Asiatic and African Elephants

Time Management: The project had an end date, and children need to adhere to the same

Creativity: The child always explores blocks, puzzles, colours, drawing, clays, etc. But the project gave an opportunity to combine everything they always explore like Arjun made elephants with paper glass, straws, cotton, poster colours etc.

Collaboration: We saw children working with other classmates to meet the end goal

Overall, we feel that theme-based projects have helped Arjun know about Animals in detail and we see him applying his learnings.

Thank You

Parents of Arjun Bajpai

Saumya Bajpai and Nitin Bajpai